So, I boot up the computer with the intention of doing this. Boom, endless cycle of failure to repair the system and failed start ups. What did this? At a minimum, my RAM is hosed. Like badly. At worst? Motherboard, various controller cards, and the RAM are done. What is almost certainly ok?
The hard drive. Thank you, MemTest86, you allowed me to breather during a week of panicked troubleshooting. So, with almost 100% of the computer in a failed state, it's time for a new one. With an extra bay for a hard drive to be installed. It will be almost two weeks of waiting but I should be okay, and be able to recover the pictures and make up for lost time here. And will I be purchasing an external back up drive? Heck yes. Will I reformat my old hard drive after I rescue everything and make a RAID setup for my photos? Check.
Remember - digital memory is just as perishable as our own brains. Back it up. Not tomorrow. Not today. Yesterday. Hopefully I don't have to go shell out money for a data recovery specialist, but, if it comes down to it, that's exactly what I will do. And you can bet it will cost more than a $100, 1 Terabyte removable drive.
Once I get my data back, what will the Evolving Photographer have in store for you?
- Part Two of the March on Washington, including my first experience with a super telephoto lens and online lens rental.
- Some fun shots of the LADEE probe launched by NASA from Wallops Island in Virginia. D.C. was given a spectacular view.
- The results of an upcoming photo workshop - my first ever formal photography instruction!